When you and your spouse decide it is time to end your marriage, the most important issue between the two of you is not finances, nor is it property—it is your shared children. Divorce is notorious for having adverse effects on children, which is why you and your future ex-spouse can make sure your child isn’t a victim of this major life change. While adults find it difficult to move on to the next chapter of their lives, children are far more likely to resist or resent the change since it is not their decision and is entirely out of their hands.

The following are common effects of divorce on children:
- Anxiety, stress, or distrust
- Anger and acting out
- Low self-esteem issues
- Trouble with future relationships
- Behavioral and social problems
- High chance of divorce in the future
- Higher chance of substance abuse in the future
Preventing these negative effects must come from a mutual effort of both you and your child’s other parent, since one parent cannot make up for the other’s lack of interest, involvement, or effort.
The above issues can be prevented in a number of ways, such as making sure you are both present in your child’s life, and keeping yourselves from arguing in front of each other. The two of you must also make sure you are on the same page about as much as possible, in order to create a safe and constant environment for your child. Lastly, the worst thing you can do is keep your child from his or her other parents—you both need to be supportive of your child’s wishes in keeping the family unit as in-tact as possible.
Contact Friedman & Friedman PLLC Today
Are you and your spouse heading for divorce, and you don’t know where to turn for proper legal counsel, care, and representation? Look no further than Friedman & Friedman PLLC, Attorneys at Law! We are comprised of attorneys who have one goal in mind: delivering you the most successful results possible. Allow us to advocate on your behalf today.
Schedule an initial consultation with a member of our firm by calling (516) 688-0088 at your earliest convenience.